Be intentional.

Intentional Activities that help you, help yourself.

Personal Development with a Psychologist

Intentional activities are proven by psychological research to help you refocus and enjoy the life you want. I am here to help.


Personal Coaching

Most of us don’t think we could benefit from a little support until we reach out for it. The focus on our sessions is centering awareness, action, and accountability. You’ll be surprised at what a small investment in yourself can do to change the way that you live your truth - authentically!


Executive Coaching

The culture that we live in prizes ‘DOING’ over ‘BEING. But it’s often in the ‘pause’ that we’re able to refocus and course correct. Executive coaching provides the confidential space for you to objectively assess the interpersonal problems in your organization, identify the needs of the humans whom you serve, and develop the emotional intelligence necessary to recalibrate thinking and improve decision-making ability.


Corporate Coaching

As the umbrella to executive coaching, corporate goals encompass work with the larger collective to improve motivation, communication skills, and facilitate healthy workplace behavior. Psychoeducational development with your team members yields more meaningful interaction, enhanced productivity, and overall success for your organization.

“Anti-racism work is for everyone of every race.” ~Caroline J. Sumlin

Most of the issues we have are rooted in our inability and unwillingness to have the dialogue needed to tear down walls and build bridges. It's an important exchange that no course, lecture, workshop, or book club can do for our relationships. This is a safe space, with three options, for ALL people to have the necessary, sometimes UNcomfortable, conversations.

1. Join our weekly Intentional Conversations groups. We meet via Zoom, with a max of 7-14 people. You may attend al a carte or opt for an affordable monthly subscription.

2. ‘Life’ doesn’t allow for group participation, but you’re still interested in digging deeper in your liberation work, schedule an Anti-Racism LIFESTYLE integration? These 1:1 sessions offer an opportunity for you to discuss specific scenarios, examine the nuances, be equipped with tools to bridge the gap between theory and practice, and take action toward a more equitable world.

3. Are you a larger group or organization who wants to make intentional strides in ‘moving beyond the box check’, and gaining a more meaningful understanding of your role within and beyond your professional environment? Reaching out for executive/corporate coaching is the perfect place to begin.


Intentional Balance Book

In a culture that prizes being busy over taking the time to rest, how are you doing with maintaining harmony and proportion? If you feel as if you're constantly on a hamster wheel, this guide will afford you the perfect excuse to stop, take a breath, make the time, and create the space necessary to reexamine your way of "being" with the BALANCE method.  Since balance doesn't just HAPPEN, you'll get the 'equilibrium overhaul' you need through the intentional use of vignettes, thought-provoking questions, activities, and techniques. Use intention as your compass and your direction will become clearer.